Tombolo Academy
Tombolo Academy is an Independent Specialist year 7-10 school that caters for twice-exceptional students (gifted + disabled concurrently), who are able to function within the Victorian Curriculum at age level, or above, in a majority of academic areas but also at level 3 or above in their area of disability. Tombolo Academy is focused entirely on the comprehensive education of a broad range of twice-exceptional students.
Tombolo Academy Philosophy
Twice-exceptional students are defined as being gifted with some form of disability. These students are considered exceptional both because of their gift; intellectual, creative, perceptual and or motor abilities and because of their special needs which could include specific learning disabilities, neurodevelopmental disabilities, and/or a physical disability.
Twice-exceptional students are not homogenous. There is a connection between the type and level of disability and the type and level of gift, but its presentation is not predictable.
Every twice-exceptional student requires a curriculum and pathway through the education levels that are individually modified to cater for their disability and their gift, together.
Due to the emotional impact of being different from the majority, many twice-exceptional students feel isolated, depressed, anxious, confused or hopeless. A strong social-emotional program is central to Tombolo’s programs to minimise or eliminate the impact of such deep negative feelings.