Welcome to the Tombolo Academy,

We are passionate about challenging assumptions and shifting perspectives about our students. We aim to tear off the negative labels given to them and the labels they create for themselves.
Our students have often had negative experiences in their previous schools. They see the world in a unique way and have usually felt misunderstood in a mainstream setting. “I don’t quite fit” or “I learn differently from other students,” “I sometimes feel like I am dumb, but I know that I am not.”
Our students may arrive with little or no self-confidence, after being rejected and labelled a failure. When they leave, we want them to love learning and believe they can change the world.
Every student deserves that pathway.
Tombolo Academy is a specialist school delivering a rich educational program for students with a unique combination of abilities and challenges. These students are often referred to as twice exceptional.
We aim to create a sense of belonging in our school. Relationships are at the heart of everything that we do at Tombolo, and we strive to build on the strengths and abilities of the young people we welcome into our community.
I hope you gain insight into our school from the blog and website. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Helen Barrett